pondělí 18. dubna 2022

How are attackers adopting Henry Ford principles

Standardization, continuous flow, division of labor and reducing wasted effort.  Those are terms that usually applies to mass production and are known mainly due to Henry Ford, but now we see those principles being applied even to an activities where it is not common.

Like during successful phishing attacks. I am talking about cases when user is delivered email that routes him to phishing site. Those are usually pretending to be login pages for Microsoft, Google and many other popular portals. Once user insert his credentials, the attacker collects those and forward it to the real service. When user has MFA configured, the only difference is that attacker has to present the MFA request to the phished user and then pass it to the original service, so there are multiple stages but the principle of intercepting traffic is the same. Phished user usually confirms the MFA request. Mainly because of the believe that he is trying to login in a standard way to common portal/service. For such cases attacker are using automated solution like Evilginx2 and many others that are currently available. Those solutions are creating fake login portals of known services, listens for a connections, grab credentials and MFA challenge and forwards them to the original services, collect session cookies.

High level representation of the process is on the picture below and more details can bee seen on the picture source and some other aspects here: https://cloudbrothers.info/en/fido2-security-keys-are-important/#conclusion-mitigation-and-prevention

Picture source: https://m0chan.github.io/2019/07/26/Bypassing-2FA-For-Fun-With-Evilginx2.html


Up to now nothing new, nothing surprising. But attackers are aware that once they gain access, it might be not forever. Actually they may lose the access if there are some detections mechanisms for suspicious access, unlikely travelers and similar. If the phished user password is reset as well as session cookies they would need to phish the same user again which is less likely. So attackers start to cooperate.

And very likely they divided the roles. So the scenario may look like this: attackers receive information that user was phished, they notify other available “buddies” and share the session cookie with them and agree who is doing what. Then one (group) of attackers are browsing the phished user inbox and searching for interesting emails with “juicy” content; second group usually focus on creating a new inbox rule to move specific emails to folders like Archive or Deleted and mark them as unread, then they send new email to the user inbox and pick it up from specified folder. In such email you can expect content for additional phishing email/s that is later send from user mailbox to his contacts or new contacts collected by attackers in previous cases. In some cases there is a third group that is trying to gain persistence by registering additional MFA method to have the possibility to return if needed. In cases where phished user has multiple services available within one portal (for example SharePoint Files, Yammer,…) one group is focusing on going through the available files, chat conversation and download content that can be later reused (invoices, excel files, partner information,…)

Despite the typical session validity is multiple days, attackers can finish “their investigation” within couple of hours and the outcome is that they send from phished user additional phishing emails or follows existing conversation where someone was requesting/expecting invoice, Excel sheet and similar. Now imagine if you were in the contact with the phished user, expecting some document and now it is finally sent, but this time with malicious excel macro or invoice with account number of attacker. Any chance you would get tricked?

Ok, now how you can distinguish standards phishing case from the one where multiple attackers are cooperating by sharing session cookie? It depends on how detailed your logs are, but lets imagine ideal scenario. Fist you will see attacker sign-in log from IP that wasn’t previously used by phished user (hopefully). Then you will see in non-interactive sign-in activity additional IP addresses with different user-agent string. The same will happen with the user portal (email) activities. You will see actions done by attackers (again multiple IPs and user-agents) and each type of activity will be specific to respective IP user-agent combination. For example: Opening emails from IP x.x.x.1 and Mozilla x1; Create inbox rule from IP x.x.x.2 and Mozilla x2; Open SharePoint file from IP x.x.x.3 and Chrome x1. And again you wont find matching record for those IPs in sign-in logs.

Once you start to model available logs and pivot on top of different variables (IPs, User-agent, Timestamps; type of activities) you will see more and more that the activities looks like parallel project streams done by different individual/groups that follows similar goal – complete all the recon, phishing forwarding, data collection in a fast and effective way and then disappear.

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